Some of the people who are drawn to this website are those who, perhaps, have not entirely identified it for themselves, but are engaged in some form of perpetual migration. What I mean by that term is that when they make changes in their lives, they do it in ways that seem, at least some, to be more than transitions. I think of transitions as somewhat episodic and disjointed---changes without a real flow from a prior place to the new place. When I talk of migration, I mean movement and development with a purpose, even if that purpose isn’t entirely clear to the mover. The migration I’m talking about comes from a deep-seated place that calls the mover to make a change in their lives---and this change sometimes looks like its off-the-wall to friends and family but it feels solid to the maker.
If these people---these perpetual migrators---aren’t supported in their development, they can become confused, unsure of that which they feel sure of; they can lack confidence in their deep sense of rightness; they can be dissuaded and pulled off course because others don’t see that there IS a course. This can cause people to choose a path that appears safe but is often a wrong turn or misplaced energy; they can settle for something that promises to deliver a form of security but often just provides mediocrity and feelings of being stifled and undervalued.
I know this course because I’ve lived it. It has often afforded me an interesting if challenging life. I’ve entered more U-turns than I care to remember, but they usually managed to help me eventually find a better path to a clearer way forward. The people I met along the way were either incredibly helpful or alarmingly hazardous. Fortunately, the helpful ones far outnumbered the dangerous ones, and I came to be able to recognize hazardous ones before they caused me real harm or, better still, before I allowed them into my life at all---- VERY VALUABLE lessons to learn!
After multiple migrations, my most recent ones have reinforced my intellect, my experience and my ability to make a valuable contribution in the world. I am proud of my sons and their families, as well as the work I ‘ve done and that I hope to continue doing. And I’m looking forward to helping perpetual migrators and other interested people to navigate these complicated waters so they can arrive at places of substantial value, contribution, respect, and satisfaction.
If it seems as though you might be a perpetual migrator or an interested other, I invite you to contact me and together we can see if there is synergy between us that will serve to help you create the navigation plan that will lead you to the next place on your migrating journey.